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4 entries.
Diane from Ivybridge wrote on November 9, 2021 at 8:24 pm
Interesting idea. I am totally frustrated with this government. Cant participate though as I dont earn enough to pay tax - minimum wage...
Admin Reply by: admin
Thanks for the comment, Diane. 👍 I totally understand people not being able to do the same. Part of my anger relates to how so many people have had their income squeezed "due to austerity" for a decade (!!! that's most of some kids' childhoods!) whilst the rich have kept getting richer. Our protest is in part on behalf of people in that situation.
Kirsty from Ipswich wrote on November 9, 2021 at 3:47 pm
Great idea, I will absolutely be joining you! (Admittedly not with my full salary as I live pretty much month to month), but I will be making a donation to a local hospice, a food bank, and local dementia cafe. Thanks for the inspiration! Hopefully small gestures will help make the world a better place ❤️
Admin Reply by: admin
That's great, Kirsty, thank you so much! If you want to write something to say on here, do get in touch. The email address dtd [at] should work. All the best, Paul.
Liz from London wrote on November 9, 2021 at 7:44 am
Hi Paul & Joel, great initative!
Admin Reply by: admin
Thank you!
Paul from near London wrote on November 8, 2021 at 11:58 pm
You're welcome to leave us a message here!